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Category: Hardening Securing Papers, Windows 2000

Title: hardenwin2kinstall.shtml

Description: Basic Steps to Hardening a Standalone Windows 2000 Installation

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Category: Hardening Securing Papers, Windows 2000

Title: CDrom/index.html

Description: Diese Niederschrift soll als Begleitmaterial f?r den Kurs Sicherheit unter Windows dienen. Ich versuchte mich darin, mit einer f?r jederman leicht verst?ndlichen und angenehm nachvollziehbaren Lekt?re aufzuwarten. Die Zeilen sollen linear, als wie auch modular interpretiert werden k≈nnen, wobei die letztere Methode wohl eher dem etwas erfahreneren Leser zugesprochen werden darf. Eines meiner Ziele, das mit diesem Schaffen verbunden ist, entpuppt sich als die Umsetzung einer Anleitung und eines Nachschlagewerk zugleich.

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Hardening BSD - by sil

Category: Hardening Securing Papers, BSD

Title: Hardening BSD - by sil

Description: Hardening BSD is definitely trickier than hardening a Linux based workstation being that the top 3 distributions of BSD, Net, Open, Free, have done an excellent job of strengthening the systems on their own. Using FreeBSD at home while I write this, I'll try to focus in on it, but in general (and I may get flamed from the OpenBSD advocates or even NetBSD advocates) you could follow suit between the three. (Dare I say it) FreeBSD does its daily audit via way of /etc/periodic/daily/$SCRIPTS which are run to ensure some integrity is met on the machines however after installing third party programs, you're going to lose some of the integrity you could otherwise expect on a default install.

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Category: Hardening Securing Papers, Windows 9x / ME

Title: securing9xme.shtml

Description: Recommendations for Securing Windows 9x/ME

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Intrusion Prevention 101

Category: Hardening Securing Papers, General

Title: Intrusion Prevention 101

Description: Reducing a computer\'s vulnerability to hackers is much like using anti-theft devices and common sense to guard against your car being broken into. Strangely, few people would leave their keys in the ignition while away from their vehicle, yet most might as well hand over their workstations and servers to the lowliest hacker as they don't have any security in place.

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